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Huangguang school international department economics club debate competition

Recently, the economic club of the Huangguang School international department held an economic debate competition. The students of grade 10 and grade 11 participated in the competition together. For the first time, the club held an economic debate competition between the two grades. The competition invited other business teachers and students to act as judges. In the end, the students of Grade one won the championship, and the students of grade two also showed their talents.

In this debate competition, students had a heated discussion around the topic: "Should a husband be a stay-at-home dad if his wife earns millions of dollars a year and his income is not high?" The students all spoke enthusiastically and put forward many novel and interesting ideas.

The whole debate competition consists of three parts:

In the first part, both sides establish their views. The first debater expounded their basic points in three minutes. The atmosphere was intense, which showed the courage and ability of the debaters on both sides. Although it has not yet reached the summit of the debate competition, it can be seen that the debaters have made adequate preparations.

The second part is free debate, which mainly consists of refutation and mutual questioning. The second part is free debate, which mainly consists of refutation and mutual questioning. Grade two students supported that a husband create value whether they work at home or take care of children. There is no one better than the other, and the husband who at home is also committed to the family." Grade one students proposed that "if one party leaves the workplace to take care of the children, it will cause disconnection between husband and wife, which will affect the maintenance of family affection and is not conducive to family harmony".

The third part is the summary debate stage. The fourth debater of both sides accurately summed up their team's point of view, and made a wonderful ending for the whole debate. Judges scored the debaters on four aspects: speech, language, logical thinking and reaction. In the end, the grade one team won.

This debate competition not only enhanced the cohesion among all grades of the International Department, but also expanded the students' vision and exercised their logical thinking ability. This is a good opportunity to exercise students' ability to think independently and express their opinions. At the same time, this activity also shows the students' spirit of striving to be the first.
